Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Addictions

I have two addictions in my life. The first is Diet Mountain Dew. Yes I do know how bad it is for me but on those days when you really really need a friend it is always there for you. The second addictions is my fabric. I told many of you about my 3 hour wait on the day after thanksgiving for my 56 yard of fabric so here is a picture of it. Sadly I have not had a chance to even dig into it. Any of my cute friends having babies see one they like let me know and I will make you a quilt. Also I have been making so many quilts to relieve some stress that I am thinking about donating them to the child and family support center. Any other ideas of where they could go let me know.

1 comment:

mel said...

I might need to have another baby to cash in on that super cute fabric.