Monday, February 18, 2008

Snow Plow

After hundreds of snow storms dumping feet of snow, Bret finally talked me into buying a snow plow for the 4-wheeler(see picture). The day after we bought it Utah had a break from those amazing snow storms. I told Bret we had cursed all of Utah and now we are not ever going to get more snow. I prayed and prayed for more snow so my "snow curse" would be proven wrong. Well it did finally snow..... closing schools, stranding many people in terrible weather in SLC and you know the rest of the story. So I guess what snow comes will come and this plow that now needs a shed to be stored in(tricky huh) will be used for many years to come.
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Anonymous said...

seriously, i am going to make a phone call to your husband and tell him he can't buy any more toys, until you get your new toy. you have wanted a new car for 2 years.......stand firm girl!

Kristen said...

for some reason all of these things seem more affordable than my car. I will get one by the time I graduate school. I told him that will be my graduation present. So come December you better see a car on this blog.... By the way I am now applying for graduation. I am soooo close to being done.

Kristen said...

that really wasn't kristen I guess she is signed in on this account